¿Estas buscando Pinzas Tensor Ultegra Di2? Estás en la tienda online acertada. En nuestra web podrás elegir entre una multitud de Pinzas Tensor Ultegra Di2 que hay ahora mismo en el mercado. Si buscas calidad, resistencia y buen precio, a continuación, podrás encontrar la mejor opción.
Comprar: Pinzas Tensor Ultegra Di2
- The Di2 front derailleur's operation is pioneering, smooth shifting is guaranteed thanks to a microchip communication link with the gear levers. What's more, shifting the rear derailleur automatically trims the front derailleur
- The biggest difference you will notice is just how much quicker and effortlessly smoother shifting on the front chainrings is, even under load
- The difference in the effort and time to actuate the shift between mechanical and Di2 is truly staggering
- Full and semi synchronized shifting programable, Synchro shift compatible meaning a single shifter can control both front and rear shifting which can be fully custom tuned to your riding preferences. Semi synchronized shifting means when a front shift is made the rear mech will automatically correct to the appropriate ratio
- The removal of traditional mechanical cables in favour of electrical wires not only eliminates poor shifting caused by contaminates, corrosion and stretching, but provides effortless gear shifts
- Ultegra Shadow design with Di2 technology, shifting is easy and precise - just a light touch, as soft as a mouse click, is sufficient for the front or rear derailleur to instantaneously select the correct gear
- Sleek appearance with Low profile Shadow design construction reduces risk of damage in a crash
- Programmed automatic motion at the touch of a switch makes this derailleur quick, smooth and effortless to shift
- The removal of traditional mechanical cables in favour of electrical wires not only eliminates poor shifting caused by contaminates, corrosion and stretching, but provides effortless gear shifts
- Derailleur contains a saver (fuse) function, where the inner structure is protected from strong impacts
- Accesorio de ciclismo
- Material duradero
- Fácil de usar
- Diseño moderno
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Precios y opiniones de Pinzas Tensor Ultegra Di2
Última actualización el 2023-02-17 / Enlaces de afiliados / Imágenes de la API para Afiliados